Entering models

Entering models, via Internet:

Internet pre-registration is possible  between 1. April 2024 and until 20. April 2024  24.00 o’clock.


Please bring with you your personal registration number that you received when pre-registrated your models.Payment of the entry fee, and handing of your models’ papers will be based on your personal registration number.

Competition – Help and advices about entering the models: here!


On site:

  • 25th. April 2024. (Friday) 16.00 – 18.00
  • 26th. April 2024. (Saturday) 08.00 – 12.00

For those modellers – in a particular model group (like airplane, AFV, figure, ship, civilian vehicles, etc.) – who

  • were awarded  – by the MOSONSHOW 2015-2019 – in the particular model group’s Hobby category with GOLD prize or
  • who were awarded – by the MOSONSHOW 2022-2024 – there with any prize in the particular model group’s master categories or
  • considered to be MASTER modeller at their own country – we can only accept model registrations in either MASTER categories.

(For example, you can enter in hobby AFV category when You are considered master modeller in Aircraft) In open categories (hobby and master level models are consolidated) entering is open for everybody.

Registration Fee:

Electronic pre-registration 10,- EUR (or equivalent Forint/HUF) per modeller

On the premises 15,- EUR (or equivalent Forint/HUF) per modeller.

Entering is for Children, Youngster, Junior free of registration fee!

Returning of the models:

27. April 2024 – between 13.30 – 14.30 o’clock. We kindly ask everyone that to get back their models in this timeframe only. We cannot return models earlier than this time. Thank You!

Award giving ceremony:

27. April 2024. 15.00 o’clock.

Rules of the competition

Anybody can take part in the competition who pays the fee so accept the rules.

We would kindly ask all visitors of the show not to touch the models on the display tables – even if the model is yours – until you ask for help from the organizers.

Models can only given back at the announced time, the ones brought home earlier will not get any awards.

Models that can be proven to be illegal copies (i.e. in figure category) won’t be evaluated during competition!

The Organisers will exclude/remove from show any entry considered to be inappropriate or offensive to generally acknowledged standard of taste and there will be no way to appeal about this!

The Competition – Considered by the age at 31. December 2024 – is announced in the following categories:

  • Children 0-12 years old (were born after 2012)
  • Youngster 13-15 years old (2009-2011)
  • Junior 16-18 years old (2006-2008)
  • Adult, standard (Standard/Hobby)
  • Adult, Open (master and hobby level models are consolidated)
  • Adult, Master (master and hobby level models are consolidated)

Master categories are open for all who want to compare his/her work at a higher level.

For those modellers – in a particular model group (like airplane, AFV, figure, ship, civilian vehicles, etc.) – who

  • were awarded  – by the MOSONSHOW – in the particular model group’s Hobby category with GOLD prize or
  • who were awarded – by the MOSONSHOW – there with any prize in the particular model group’s master categories or
  • considered to be MASTER modeller at their own country – we can only accept model registrations in either MASTER categories.

(For example, you can enter in hobby AFV category when You are considered master modeller in Aircraft) In open categories (hobby and master level models are consolidated) entering is open for everybody.

By this we would like to give chance for successful appearance for more modellers.

In the so called “open” categories, hobby and master level models are not split.

Special Rules for AIRCRAFT category:

  • In adult section, please enter the open detailed (aircraft modeled is currently not ready to fly) models at MASTER open detailed (M-11, M-15) category,
  • In the „Civilian aircraft” category (M-17) only those models are allowed to enter that are passenger or cargo planes used at airline companies or small planes that can be classified as civilian planes with the capacity to carry min. 6 persons.

AIRPLANE – Level of difficultly within Category.

As much as possible it is advisable to fix the model to base or put it on a base where it cannot slip from it.

The organizers and the jury don’t take responsibility for damage to the model resulted from an improper fixing to base.


  • at Children, Youngster and Junior categories „only by looking at the models”
  • at hobby categories by „only by looking at the models”,
  • at open categories by „only by looking at the models”
  • at master categories by evaluating on a detailed scoring on judging forms forms or „only by looking at the models”.

MosonShow – Jurying process principles

Scoring sheet:

The jury won’t reclassify to the appropriate category those models that were entered in wrong category; and will not get evaluated! Until the closing of model registration (Saturday 12 o’clock) – for the request of the competitor – models registered in wrong category can be relocated in their right places.