Conditions for participation in the fair

The seller list

Dear Traders and Sellers,

The Mosonmagyaróvár Model Association will stipulate a contract with all applicants for the duration (26. – 27. April, 2025) of the Event, on the basis of the attached Letting Agreement and Floor Plan. Traders who have participated on previous Events will, of course receive their customary locations.

Opening of the fair:

  • 26th (Saturday) April, 2025: 08.00 – 19.00 o’clock
  • 27th (Sunday) April, 2025: 08.00 – 13.30 o’clock

For traders:

  • Setup of trading stands (UMF Arena, MKC Training Hall):
    • 25th (Friday) April, 2025: from 14:30 o’clock
    • 26th (Saturday) April, 2025: 08.00 – 10.00 o’clock (am).
  • Teardown of trading stands: 
    • 27th (Sunday) April, 2025: only between 13.30 – 15.00 o’clock.

It is strictly forbidden to bring food, drinks, or live animals (e.g. dogs) into the hall area of ​​the UFM Arena – MKC Training Hall building, which is used for competitions and exhibitions!!!

Cost of tables for the show days and the preceeding one (25-27. April, 2025), per table (approximately 80 x 165 cm long):

  • UMF Arena (ground and 1st floor) – MKC Training Hall 90,- EUR+ VAT. (27%)

TABLE RESERVATION – RENTAL FEE – Method of payment, deadline:

We kindly ask you to confirm your table reservations indicated at the last show in writing by 20. Dec. 2024 at the following e-mail address!

The rent for the table (the total amount plus VAT) must be settled by bank transfer in EUR or HUF!

Payment deadline, at the latest: 28.02.2025.

The transferred, paid table rental fee will only be refunded in case of cancellation indicated in writing (E-mail: by 20.03.2025 at the latest!

All further questions related to the fair can be asked via the following contact (in Hungarian, English).


Bank account owner:
Flesch Károly Nonprofit Kft
H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár
Erkel Ferenc utca 14.

Dunatakarék Bank
Győr Árpád út  93.
Bank Account: 58600252-11165189
IBAN:  HU57 58600252-11165189-00000000

Rules of the fair

  • The Fair Inspector shall provide further information regarding issues emerging on the spot.
  • Tables and chairs are provided by the Organizers.
  • In case Seller requires any utilities (water, electricity etc.), such requirements shall be forwarded to the Organizers via the available email addresses of contacts, at least 2 weeks before the Event.
  • The seller must accept and adhere to the current Hungarian legal regulation of retail sale activities, including the obligation of invoicing etc.
  • Organizers decline any responsibility for the origin of kits/goods traded on the Fair.
  • Organizers reserve the right to define the distribution/location of the stands.
  • Organizers decline responsibility for any stolen/lost goods/valuables.
  • The use and trade of autocratic symbols (e.g. swastika) is FORBIDDEN on Event premises.
  • The trade of copies/fakes of copyrighted materials/goods is strictly FORBIDDEN on Event premises. The organizers can ban the sellers of copied or fake merchandise from the show and they will report it to the police.
  • All and any fire arms, cold weapons (eg. knives), explosives and other devices for the purpose of causing bodily harm are strictly BANNED from the Event. The presence and trade of such devices is FORBIDDEN.
  • Any transgression of the above rules on behalf of Seller shall result in immediate ban of trade and further legal consequences.

We wish you profitable trade and an entertaining stay.